Trade and Investment Partnership Summit (TIPS)
16 October 2013, European Parliament, Brussels
Dynamics of EU-India Relations in a Changing Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Accelerating Trade and Investment
Business collaboration through accelerating trade and investment between EU and India will be at the top of the EICC Trade and Investment Partnership Summit (TIPS) agenda when a major business event takes place in the European Parliament in Brussels on 16 October 2013. The business Summit titled as “Dynamics of EU-India Relations in a Changing Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Accelerating Trade and Investment” will also mark the 50 years of India’s engagement with the EU. In the event of EU-India FTA negotiation concluding soon, Indian and European companies now will have much greater opportunity to invest and develop business relationships. The TIPS will seek to bridge trade and economic divide between the two countries will bring policy makers, industrialists, business leaders, and high representatives of the European Commission and heads of trade bodies. The summit will attempt to build better and innovative relationship by exploring the dynamics of changing Europe through discussion and exchange of ideas among high profile business leaders, experts from wide range of discipline from Europe and India. The event will also discuss the broader side of the trade related issues such as regulatory and legal framework, taxation policies and other incentives in India and Europe. The TIPS will make comprehensive overview of India-EU relations in content and context and will suggests ways to give it a strategic dimension. The summit will serve as a key platform offering an unparalleled access to a full spectrum of more than 150 industry leaders, business executives, policy makers, representatives of the European Commission to share their views on issues related to trade and investment. The summit will provide an opportunity for the delegates to access important presentations to engage in discussions and network with specialists across a range of topical issues and suggests ways to give it a strategic dimension. The summit will provide an excellent opportunity to present industry specific investment cooperation and will allow participants to meet and network with their counterparts. The key industries to be highlighted in this summit are: Pharmaceuticals, Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Information and technology and Retail. The chamber is inviting conceptual or empirical presentations, and/or country context case studies in the context the theme of the summit to enable business leaders, participants, trade specialists and practitioners to understand the dimension of EU-India trade and economic relation. The submission should be sent via email (as a word doc attachment) to the Secretary General of the Chamber on mail ID: Deadline for Abstract Submission is August 15th, 2013. The Strategy Paper and other documents can be found in the links below.
EICC 2013 Summit Sponsorship Options
Strategy Paper for EICC Summit 2013
Presentation by Mr. Verkerk, ANH