Side event debate to COP 21 – ‘Reinventing Rio’
Le Bourget, Paris, 7 Dec. 2015
Inclusive World Sustainable Development Strategy: ‘Reinventing Rio’
The EICC together with the South Asia Democratic Forum and Eurochambres / EBTC organised a Debate “Reinventing Rio” on 7 December during the UNFCCC – COP21 Paris. The Debate was hosted by Mr Gilles Pargneaux, Rapporteur of the European Parliament Report to COP21 as per the attached programme.
Programme of Event : Reinventing Rio
The thinkers, policy-makers and business leaders representing EU and India were brought together at this Debate in the sidelines of COP 21 held in the Hotel Park&Suits Le Bourget, Paris, France.
The debate lobbied for increased EU–India Cooperation and Collaboration on a financial, environment and technological level. In particular the debate addressed a more energy-efficient form of industrialization and urbanization and consequently promote renewable energies and green technologies therein. It observed that India was not opposed to signing a legally binding agreement for all countries, but it would only consider the agreement if differential responsibilities played a strong role in the text.
Reinveinting Rio Debate Report
Climate change accord could make India a world leader
India Symposium Programme “Make in India”
– Cobra Museum in Amstelveen in the Netherland on 2 December 2015
India Symposium Programme “Make in India” was organized on 2 December at the Cobra Museum in Amstelveen in the Netherlands
India Symposium 2015 (Theme : Make in India) organised by ASSOCHAM Netherlands and Europe India Chamber of Commerce was held on 2nd December at the prestigious Cobra museum in Amstelveen. Mr Eberhard van der Laan, Mayor of Amsterdam, Ms. Mirjam van’t Veld, Mayor of Amstelveen and H.E. Mr J.S. Mukul, Indian Ambassador to the Netherlands graced the event.
Trade and Investment Partnership Summit (TIPS) 2015
European Parliament, 30th September 2015
Changing Dynamics in EU-India Relations: Business & Strategic Implications in the Next Decade
Chamber’s flagship mega annual business event Trade and Investment Partnership Summit [TIPS] 2015 took place in the European Parliament on 30 September 2015. The theme of the Summit was “Changing Dynamics in EU-India Relations: Business & Strategic Implications in the Next Decade” and was different from the other summit. The TIPS 2015 addressed the issues based on the outcome of the TIPS 2014. The Summit was organized in partnership with Eurochambres / EBTC with whom EICC has been collaborating for last several years; and in collaboration with Indian Chamber of Commerce and The Friends of Europe. The Summit took note of the specific issues such as what will it take India to become the Global Manufacturing Hub in the context of “Make in India”, EU – India FTA, Skill Development,India’s quest for Green and Clean Energy, current state of Regulatory Environment and how EU and India can work together on Infrastructure and Urbanization, India’s health care crisis, etc.